Google Docs and DraftCheck. A match made in heaven

Deciding on which platforms to support is sometimes a hard thought process, and some are easy. Google Workspaces and it’s associated products of GMail, Google Drive, Google Docs, and all the others have been very instrumental in a lot of companies. They are fast to deploy, offer a lot of collaboration, and are generally speaking cheaper than the mainstream alternative.

Google Docs specifically, makes collaboration on a document so seamless and easy. Everything from people being able to edit a document at the same time, to comments and notifications so people can be tagged. And let’s not forget one of the main benefits, not sending documents around in email. Ever wondered which was the most recent version? Or if you missed an email? Or if you made a quick change to a document so followed up the first document with a new one 5 minutes later? Google Docs removes all of that because you are just sharing a link. That last quick change, it’s there and will be there whenever they open the link.

However, while I like to embrace new things, as a lawyer, Google Docs presents problems.

One specific problem is workflow. We all have our workflow on how we get our jobs done. Lawyers often have very specific workflows to make sure they have all the tools they need to do their job. However one of the biggest problems as a lawyer with Google Docs….there are very few tools for lawyers.

Because of that, DraftCheck works on Google Docs. So, if you are a lawyer, and your company or team use Google Docs and you haven’t given a look, change your game. It’s there to make your team and your docs better, tighter, and make you feel more comfortable in a new environment. And, you have a 30 day free trial…what’s not to like.

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